Our Vision
To be a library of excellence committed to advancement of knowledge through innovative and user-centered services.
Our Mission
To support, enhance, and collaborate in the institutional, research, and service activities of the University community and society.
The University Library strives to achieve the following objectives Read more.
Working Hours
Monday – Friday: 8AM – 10PM
Saturdays: 9AM – 4PM
Sundays and Public Holidays – Closed

Dr. Everlyn Anduvare
University Librarian
Welcome to Karatina University Library
The University Library provides user-centered service, which embraces the use of new technologies as well as traditional learning materials to inform and enable the educational process.
Karatina University library system comprises of two campus libraries, namely;
- Main Campus - Kagochi
Which together with the Schools enable the University to create, conserve and disseminate knowledge through Training, Research, Innovation and Community outreach.
Library services are key and central to enhancing the student and researchers experience through its resources and facilities, and this contributes to developing a skilled, innovative and employable graduate workforce. In addition, the Department aims to foster good relationships with local, national and international library and information services, especially those within the higher education sector to sufficiently meet its clientele’s information needs.
The library provides a high-quality study environment for users, combining collections, ICT and reprographic facilities under one roof; delivered by professional and highly skilled staff. We provide extensive print, electronic and special collections and continually develop our services. We have invested in a Library Management System infrastructure as well as introduced social platforms and improved ICT in information provision. Enquiry points and high staff visibility support our users across all campuses.
The Library Portal is the gateway for users to accessing the information resources the library holds and subscribes to. The federated search facility Custom Search Engine enables resource discovery of the e-library collections. The Electronic Library gives staff and students access to many academic electronic resources, ranging from Emerald, JSTOR to Wiley Online, as well as in excess of 200,000 eBooks and multiple eJournals.